SLC Book Boy

the storytime ventures of a children's librarian

Sendak Storytime

Opening: Shake My Sillies Out – Raffi

Today is a special storytime, we’re going to do stories that were all by one author, Maurice Sendak. He died just a little while ago, so this is to say thank you for all the great books he wrote for us.  He also drew pictures for books, and our first story is one where he just drew the pictures. 

Book: Bears –  Ruth Krauss

(I sort of talked the kids through this one, we followed the kidnapping and recovery of the boys teddy bear. It was well received.)

Flannel Board: One Was Johnny


(This story translated magnificently to magnet board telling. The base of the room was drawn on with markers. The kids had quite the fun as the room filled up, and then emptied out again!)

Book: Where the Wild Things Are

(The kids were very excited to see this book, almost all of them knew it. Everyone helped the wild things roar the roars, and gnash their teeth, etc. )

Activity: Be wild things

Then we got to be wild things! I modified the classic ‘Teddy Bear’ chant. First, thought, we practiced our wild thing roars, and got our wild claws ready.)

Wild thing, wild thing turn around,

  Wild thing, wild thing scratch the ground.

Wild thing, wild thing Roar out loud,

Wild thing, wild thing, touch a cloud.

Wild thing, wild thing, win a race.

Wild thing, wild thing, jump in place.

Wild thing, wild thing, stop and pause,

Wild thing, wild thing, touch your claws.

Wild thing, wild thing, sit right down.

Wild thing, wild thing, make no sound.

Book: In the Night Kitchen

(This was a fun book, went over without any hubaloo either way.)

Puppets: Pierre

(Used our boy and lion puppet for this. I cut out the father character, using just the mother, lion, and doctor sections. It was very popular, and everyone was happy to see Pierre ride away on the lion at the end.)

Book: Bumble-ardy

(This was tricky, the audience lost interest about a third of the way through. I felt like just reading through it left confusion about what was happening in the pictures, and stopping to talk about the pictures made it too long and interest was lost.)

Activity: Instruments

(after reading about Bumble-Ardy’s party, we had one of our own with instruments and music. All-in-all it was a really good storytime!)

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